I have been terribly neglectful of this blog, and the endeavor of questing for a one-roll Yahtzee of late. But now the holidays are just about upon us. It seems to me that the only rational course of action for this time of year is to start rolling the dice again. I will try to set aside time regularly to continue the quest.
For the record, on 9/8/11, I rolled 75 times, but did not get a Yahtzee. That brings the cumulative total to 836.
Today I rolled for 20 minutes straight, resulting in 180 rolls. Still no Yahtzee. 1,016 rolls all together since I've started this blog.
I'm looking forward to some holiday Yahtzee attempts. I hope you'll celebrate the holidays with five 6-sided dice as well!
Good luck, good health, and Yahtzee!